Reviews about brokers


Brief info about the brokeroptionfair review
Name of the company:Optionfair
Minimum deposit:250$
Minimum stake:25$
Market assets:
Types of options:
Potential payout on options*:to 89%
Automatic trading:
Demo account:
Deposit and withdrawal methods:
Official website:

Optionfair is an innovative binary options trading platform allowing to earn up to 89% profit. The advantages of the broker are high speed of trading orders execution and the variety of types of options. The company offers its clients wide possibilities to earn profit and minimize risks: traders can close an option prior to its expiry. Newcomers get bonus from 20% to 100%, and Optionfair clients with deposit over 500 USD are offered free trading signals.

Optionfair: reviews

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Rating of brokers
14.07.2021 00:11
Mel Gibson
its all a scam, i traded with different brokers, most of them disappear when I make withdrawal request, some of them will try to convince you not to withdraw and ...
01.02.2020 14:13
The broker is quite good. At least, I had to work with different brokers, but for now it was most convenient to work with this broker. I'm happy with ...
30.01.2020 15:24
Hello, not so long ago I started making money on binary options. For a long time I was looking for a broker who will not throw money. Found it in the person of ...